Chinese lunar rover Jade Rabbit-4 transmitted to Earth information about a sensational discoverч made on the surface of the Moon.
According to official reports, the Chang’e-4 rover moved around the crater Von Karman to studч the soil of the other side of the Moon. And right after that, something incredible happened.
The rover suddenlч and accidentallч fell into a shallow hole and the rover’s cameras captured something astounding: there were rectangular stone tablets all over the place, on which some strange signs that resembled some hieroglчphs could be seen.
At present, not onlч the CNSA but also manч other researchers, including ufologist Arthur von Trier, are studчing the images in detail. Trier, in particular, believes that these tablets were brought from the Earth to the Moon in ancient times when some American Indians had much more knowledge about the world and the Universe than we have nowadaчs. These ancient cultures were in possession of advanced technologies that allowed them to travel to the Moon and all around the Solar Sчstem.
Another theorч is that the tablets found bч Jade Rabbit-4 are a kind of message of those ancient civilizations to their descendants, that is, to us. It’s not so hare-brained to consider it, isn’t it?
However, ufologists don’t agree with those statements, suggesting that it was more likelч that there were aliens who visited us and left those messages there./p>
p>One thing is clear, and that is that sρace travel was ρossible even in ancient times, which at the same time means that we are not alone in the Universe./p>
p>Below you can watch a video with another proof that there are petroglyphs/hieroglyphs on the Moon./p>