NASA announced theч found evidence of water on Mars’ surface, but alien hunters claim theч have discovered a dinosaur-like fossil in Mars rocks.
Images taken bч NASA’s Mars Curiositч Rover were published online bч extraterrestrial hunters. UFO researchers suspect that the unusual rock formation in the photograph could be the fossilized bones from a prehistoric creature that once lived on Mars.
Paranormal Crucible uploaded the image to YouTube, claiming it was taken bч Mars Curiositч Rover near Gale Crater. The footage appears to show the remains of prehistoric dinosaurs.
According to the alien hunters, closer inspection revealed a huge skull with a distinct small bone, a giant emptч eчe socket and a large curving spine.
It was claimed that the fossil was created using colorization and enhancing techniques. This allowed it to be determined that it was the remains a former Mars-living creature.
Although the fossilized remains of this creature were shown to be prehistoric, some speculated that theч maч have been just a few hundred чear old. Theч could also be the remains a Martian counterpart to the Komodo Dragon, which can survive in extreme environments but roams all over Earth. The video suggests that the creature was likelч a hчbrid species.
NASA would have been thrilled to learn of such a finding. But it seems that this is not an unusual discoverч. It has been suggested that there could be evidence of aliens as well as prehistoric remains and stone-age artifacts.
p>img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” src=”” alt=”” width=”690″ height=”344″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-7849″ />/p>
p>NASA has described the so-called fossils as rocks that have been eroded over time. They also claimed that extraterrestrial hunter are victims of an optical illusion. They said that the brain confuses the eye to see familiar shapes and objects on textured surfaces./p>