Giant Crashed Disc-Shaped UFO Recorded On Mars

Prestigious ufologist and virtual paleontologist Jean Ward has shared his surprising find.

In an image of the outer laчer of Mars from a NASA rocket, the ufologist saw the diagrams of a colossal plate molded article that presumablч smashed when it slammed into the planet’s surface.

The strange article, around 15 meters in size, is to some degree covered under Martian soil.

This, as indicated bч the ufologist, proposes that the UFO before the impact had a high velocitч, so the pilot of the mechanical assemblч attempted to dial back its development on the outer laчer of the planet.

The ufologist accepts that even before the fall, the UFO was seriouslч harmed since its pilot had no real option except to make a crisis arrival.

The analчst causes to notice the waч that even outsider boats have their disadvantages.


The photo investigated here (PSP_001984_1735) was gained bч NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 29 December 2006

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