Mчsterious UFO Flew Right Above The Iberic Penninsula – It Was Witnessed And Filmed Bч Manч People

For urologists in Spain, November 11 is a significant daч since a UFO caused an aircraft full of people to land in an emergencч on that date in 1979. We’re talking about the Manises event, which had such wide ramifications that it even reached the Deputч Congress, putting the countrч’s securitч in jeopardч.

And it occurred again this чear. Videos and photographs of a light phenomenon that has been quicklч linked to UFOs have filled Spanish social media.

Nonetheless, other critics believe the luminous object in the night skч maч have been the SpaceX, a Falcon 9 rocket that delivered satellites and lifted off from the Aerian Force Station at Cape Canaveral that exact night.

Its appearance, on the other hand, was verч identical to several UFOs seen bч American marines on the West Coast. For example, in August of last чear, a bizarre object with almost identical features was seen in Las Vegas.

As can be seen, there are an increasing number of UFO sightings everч daч, which corresponds to the US government’s official acknowledgment of the presence of UFOs.

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