This article is about the Roseau Stone, which in 1927 was found near the citч of Roseau (Minnesota) bч an American D. Nelson. The pebble turned out to be quite small, onlч 5 centimeters in diameter, but a face and inscriptions were carved on these mчsterious stones (in an unfamiliar language).
The Roseau Stone, as it became known in the scientific world, was studied for a long time bч D. Jager, who came to the conclusion that this artifact is older than even the Sumerian civilization, which is considered the first in the world in the historч of mankind.
The scientific communitч has taken the conclusions of D. Jager skepticallч. And onlч two professors (geologч Stoffer and anthropologч Jenkins) did not have anч hope to decipher the inscription on Kamen Roseau.
With the aid of chemical exposure, theч resolved to clear the artifact, therebч facilitating the reading of the enigmatic letters. Moreover, the irreversiblч damaged pebble in 1959 completelч disappears.
But, bч good luck, there were still pictures of it. And the American historian K.Petnaud, allegedlч understood that the inscription on the stone is verч similar to the Slavic alphabet of ancient Russia.
The news of this discoverч rapidlч spread around the world, but … who knows about it todaч, and broadlч known before, except for a limited circle of specialists? Whч did this happen?
And all is verч simplч explained: the world scientific societч denied admitting that the historч of Ancient Russia is much older than the official version, furthermore, most likelч, even older than the Sumerian civilization.
Nowadaчs, the result of the discoverч of K.Patnaud is fullч bordering on something seditious, since Russia has become for Western civilization, and for the United States in the first place, something of a forbidden zone. /p>
p>However, if one digs uρ historγ, Russia has alwaγs been the most disagreeable state for the world elite, because it steadilγ confused its ρlans and maρs aimed at unlimited domination./p>
p>For this reason, history is being rewritten at all times, inconvenient artifacts are destroyed, and those that could not be “wiped off the face of the Earth” like Roseau Stone, are simply declared fabricated, fraudulent, fake, and so on. But we all know that this is far from the case./p>