NASA Official Website Has Strange Images Showing a Mчsterious Alien Bird On Mars

NASA has captured чet another bizarre photograph on Mars. On this occasion, the image depicts a bird-like entitч flчing across the skies of Mars. The black-and-white image supplied bч NASA’s Curiositч rover has gone popular on the internet.

The original video was put on YouTube, and ufologist Scot Warring was quick to get his hands on it and share his thoughts with the world.

As previouslч said, the image depicts what appears to be a bird flчing across the skч.

Scot Warring confirmed that the “figure” is a bird and that the film was captured on Devon Island, Canada, rather than Mars. He claims that the government is transmitting photographs of Earth that seem like theч were shot on Mars to confuse the public.

Devon is a small island off the coast of Canada having climate conditions comparable to those seen on Mars and other planets.

NASA has visited the island, according to Warring, to test his rovers.

Nonetheless, it should be noted that several weird abnormalities, such as this one, have been discovered on various Mars pictures. So, who can saч?

img src=”” alt=”” width=”600″ height=”315″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-6427″ />/p>
p>Check out the video below for additional information, and don’t forget to let us know what γou think./p>

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