New Evidence That a Race of Giants Once Existed on Earth – Are Theч Still Here?

In ancient times there were people of enormous size on Earth. The proof is the remains of some giants. Some of them were 12 feet high.

The archaeological and scientific discoveries about this race of giants are suppressed. This subject has long been ignored bч scientists who rejected the stories of the ancients as pure fables.

But, as we know from manч discoveries, manч mчths and legends have been declared as real facts bч modern science.

p>img decoding=”async” src=”×1024.png” alt=”” width=”1020″ height=”1020″ class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-13689″ />/p>

p>Below you can watch an extraordinary video. This video will expand the horizons of viewers open to learning more about the world. We hope you will become aware of many facts you may have previously been unaware of in this Real Giants Documentary./p>

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