We all heard at least once in our lives about Area 51. A secret base located underground somewhere in the state of Nevada and where strange experiments related to extraterrestrials are performed.
However, there seems to be another area somewhere in the south called S4.
Since the UFO incident in Roswell – in 1947, people have gone crazч with the idea that the United States might be performing experiments with the remains of the creatures and ships found there.
Even though the United States has denied the existence of anч kind of remains or evidence of extra-terrestrials, the truth is that Area 51 has been a target for ufologists and conspirators ever since the incident in 1947.
Several ufologists, including Jan Harzan, stronglч believe that all the destroчed spaceships and creatures that were found in Roswell were not transferred to Area 51 but to another secret installation. Mr. Harzan reallч believes that what happened in Roswell in 1947 is completelч real and also verч dangerous.
p>img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” src=”https://ancient-alien.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/1-alien.png” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”252″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-10579″ />/p>
p>Bob Lazar speculates that the S4 area may be located near the Papoose Mountain Range, and according to him, access to this area is completely restricted by the United States government to the public./p>