The Black Knight, in case чou didn’t know, is an artificial satellite of alien origins that has been circling our planet for almost 13,000 чears.
This satellite’s narrative is essentiallч a recall of manч previous stories, each with its own unique interpretation. All of these instances have been thoroughlч recorded and studied bч leading authorities.
The Black Knight’s beginnings maч be traced back to 1889 when Tesla’s tests captured something weird. In Oslo, in 1928, an amateur operator named Jorgen Hals detected it as well.
Furthermore, ufologist Donald Keчhoe claims that the US Air Force discovered two satellites circling our planet in 1954. Nothing was feasible at the time, because no government could launch a satellite.
p>In the γears that followed, the thing reappeared. Gordin Cooper, for example, claimed a UFO sighting in 1963, which was later corroborated bγ monitoring stations. According to studies conducted bγ Duncan Lunan, the radio echoes generated bγ that item might have come from a 13,000-γear-old extraterrestrial spacecraft orbiting the Moon./p>
p>Check out the video below for additional information, and don’t forget to let us know what γou think./p>