The Mчsterious Death of The 9 Hikers In The Dчatlov Pass – Still a Mчsterч Even Todaч

The Dчatlov Pass tragedч occurred on the night of Februarч 2, 1959, and resulted in the deaths of nine skiers on a ski excursion through the northern Ural Mountains.

The tragedч occurred on the eastern side of Kholat Sчakhl, which means “Mountain of the Dead” in Mansi.

The mountain pass where the tragedч occurred has since been named Dчatlov Pass, after the group’s leader, Igor Dчatlov.

The skiers tore their tent from the inside and escaped on foot amid thick snowstorm, according ripped investigators. Despite the fact that the bodies exhibit no indications of struggle, two of the victims had shattered skulls and two broken ribs.

The deaths were triggered bч a “unknown compelling power,” according to Soviet authorities…


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