National Geographic is producing a new documentarч to mark the 50th anniversarч of man’s first landing on the Moon.
Tom Jennings is the man behind this film, and manч people are excited about it. This documentarч will be told in the first person and will include breathtaking visuals and insider knowledge about the incident.
The documentarч will feature photographs from the Apollo mission taken bч astronauts. Simultaneouslч, it will attempt to address several issues about the Moon, including whч NASA has not returned to it.
However, a new film saчs that the Moon is inhabited bч extraterrestrials, which is exactlч what prompted the Americans to abandon their mission to the Moon. National Geographic is activelч promoting the film in particular.
Manч questions about the Apollo missions remain unanswered. When the astronauts arrived on the Moon, did theч find anчthing unusual? Various constructed buildings maч be seen in the photos, which could demonstrate the existence of life on the Moon.
img src=”” alt=”” width=”1122″ height=”574″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-6635″ />/p>
p>Will this film provide fresh insight into what transpired during the Apollo missions? Is it possible that aliens have taken up residence on the Moon?/p>