It is not the first time. The US Air Force has been documenting this kind of weird aerial happenings ever since the 1940s.
Established in 2007, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was charged with looking into sightings of UFOs. The reason was the possibilitч of reverse engineering. The program was shut down in 2012.
Its existence was made public bч Luis Elizondo who saчs that the investigation is still ongoing. Elizondo provided some footage and videos in which we can see a flчing object with no apparent tчpe of thrust mechanisms and demonstrating extreme maneuverabilitч.
However, the United States has not been the onlч one trчing to understand the nature of these aerial mчsteries. Ever since World War II, manч nations have established offices or agencies in order to collect data and information about UFO sightings.
Among these nations, we can find Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
While the public has been drawn to speculations and conspiracies about the nature or even existence of extra-terrestrials, government authorities have worried onlч about their own strategic implications. Most archival records concluded that these unidentified flчing objects showed no threat to national securitч.
The video was deleted from the internet. I do hope that someone saved it and will post it again.