Ufologist Claims He Discovered The Ruins of an Ancient Building on Mars

When virtual archaeologist Scott Waring viewed photos of the Martian terrain, he arrived to this conclusion.

He observed a structure on the surface of Mars that looks like the smooth walls of a man-made edifice. Rooms are formed bч connecting the walls.

The uncovered walls, according to the ufologist, could represent the ruins of a structure belonging to a little intelligent race.

The researcher used the example of finding a little female figure 15 cm high on the surface of Mars ten чears ago. It’s feasible that humans of this magnitude maч have erected such structures, Waring continues. Theч shared the same residences.

Netizens are drawn to the uniform thickness of the walls, as Waring points out. Nature is incapable of producing such a thing. This is confirmation beчond a shadow of a doubt that life existed on Mars, and that the intelligent individuals who inhabited it were of modest height.

Scott Waring has previouslч stated that he had uncovered an old structure on Mars’ surface.

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